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Je bascule sur Optimot !

Après plus de 10 ans sur Bépo en français et plus de vingt ans sur Dvorak en anglais, j’ai finalement décidé de basculer sur une nouvelle disposition de clavier : Optimot. Je ferai une entrée de blog complète plus tard, pour l’instant, je partage juste les bases de la disposition sur TypeMatrix :


Disposition Bépo Typematrix

Je suis en train de changer ma manière d’interagir avec les ordinateurs…  tant en terme de souris que de clavier. Cela fera probablement l’objet d’autres posts, mais pour l’instant je poste juste la disposition bépo sur un clavier Typematrix (y compris les touches mortes, qui permettent au final de taper dans n’importe quelle langue utilisant … Continue reading “Disposition Bépo Typematrix”


New input device changes coming up!

As I’m switching to new input devices (mouse / trackball, keyboard), I’ll also make a change in the keyboard layout as I’ll switch to a split keyboard (I was using a hybrid of Dvorak / Bépo / Colemak until now on TypeMatrix – great keyboard by the way!), which will probably take some adapting, but … Continue reading “New input device changes coming up!”


Planned Obsolescence 0 – 3D Printer 4

Yet another win against planned obsolescence, checkmate by the 3D printer. If you haven’t seen the previous parts of the series, here they are: Planned Obsolescence, 0 – 3D Printer, 1 Broken Stuff 0 – 3D Printing 1 Planned Obsolescence, 0 – 3D Printer, 2 Planned Obsolescence 0 – 3D Printer 3 The failing device … Continue reading “Planned Obsolescence 0 – 3D Printer 4”


Managing your gpg keys – the right way

When installing software from non-official repositories in Debian-based distributions, you might come across “key problems”, such as: The following signatures couldn’t be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY <key> When it appears, you might scratch your head for quite some time. There is a simple way of dealing with those. However, as … Continue reading “Managing your gpg keys – the right way”


3D Printing – fixing roller blinds

Sometimes, things get in the way in our lives. And sometimes, it’s best to take advantage of otherwise displeasing situations. With creativity and a firm conviction that we can succeed, anything is always possible. Our apartment building is almost 50 years old. After that much time, some things start falling apart. Like roller blinds. Assessing … Continue reading “3D Printing – fixing roller blinds”


Les horribles paroles des comptines françaises

  L’importance des premiers contacts En tant que parents, il paraît important de tenter d’inculquer un certain nombre de valeurs à nos enfants, et ce, dès leur plus jeune âge. C’est à ce moment que leurs cerveaux bâtissent les premières connexions, les premiers comportements. Autant qu’ils aillent dans la bonne direction tout de suite, car … Continue reading “Les horribles paroles des comptines françaises”


Existing “lingua francas” – some history – an international language – Part 3

History In the previous part, we have seen that existing languages can be fairly complex. Besides, we cannot speak all languages spoken by others. Clearly, from the beginning of language, people needed to communicate with “others who don’t speak your own language”. Many existing languages served as a common tongue between different civilizations. In fact, … Continue reading “Existing “lingua francas” – some history – an international language – Part 3”


Overview of current electronics shortage in 3 minutes

Introduction There are more and more reports about shortages in the supply of electronic components during the past year. What are the causes and should we be concerned? Will it lead to increased prices and will it last? Let’s review the causes and what we can make of it. Rising demand The demand in electronics … Continue reading “Overview of current electronics shortage in 3 minutes”


An international language – living languages are BAD – Part 2

In this part, we will see why any living language makes a very poor candidate to be an international language. Yet, we do need a communication tool across the globe, so let’s see how existing languages can help – or actually create more problems. In part 1, we have seen that English is a very … Continue reading “An international language – living languages are BAD – Part 2”


An international language – English is BAD – Part 1

For a time, two centuries ago, the French language shone on the Western world, and was spoken by most travelers and high society. During the 20th century, English has gradually become the main international language. Yet, this language is incredibly difficult to learn for many people on this Earth. Of course, we do need a … Continue reading “An international language – English is BAD – Part 1”


Why you should never use the type “char” in Java

The post title may be blunt. But I think after reading this article, you will never use the type “char” in Java ever again. The origin of type “char” At the beginning, everything was ASCII, and every character on a computer could be encoded with 7 bits. While this is fine for most English texts … Continue reading “Why you should never use the type “char” in Java”


Covid en France – le point au 10/12/2020

Préliminaire À l’heure où la désinformation est partout et où les statistiques sont manipulées dans tous les sens, il est important de partir de sources fiables. Pour ceux qui se demandent d’où sortent mes analyses, je prends les fichiers des décès de l’INSEE qui ont ce format et j’en fais des courbes et des cartes … Continue reading “Covid en France – le point au 10/12/2020”


Surveiller la mortalité « toutes causes » en open source

Edit au 28/09/2021 : ajout des vues ajustées par tranches de population. Introduction La transparence est essentielle pour construire une société de confiance. Étant moi-même toujours en doute avec les informations que je rencontre, quelle que soit leur source, je me suis posé beaucoup de questions sur la mortalité depuis le début de l’épidémie de … Continue reading “Surveiller la mortalité « toutes causes » en open source”

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A Single Light to Monitor Them All in Real Time

The context This week-end’s project was focused around building a simple indicator on my desk that alerts me of any problem at home in real time. That way, I don’t need to regularly check things around. Well, this may sound overkill for many people. But over the years, I’ve written a program to monitor many … Continue reading “A Single Light to Monitor Them All in Real Time”


Planned Obsolescence 0 – 3D Printer 3

Here is another short blog post showing the use of 3D printing against planned obsolescence… or simply the inevitable wear of objects, even when they are well designed. There was a part 1 and part 2 before this one. The problem In this particular case, I had a perfectly functional object… except for one little … Continue reading “Planned Obsolescence 0 – 3D Printer 3”


Covid-19 France – le point mi avril 2020

Beaucoup se posent encore la question de la comptabilisation des morts Covid-19… peut-on réellement faire confiance à des chiffres qui sont hautement manipulables ? On entend même des médecins, que ce soit en France ou ailleurs, insister sur le fait qu’on les « force » à inscrire Covid-19 dans les raisons de décès de trop … Continue reading “Covid-19 France – le point mi avril 2020”


Covid-19 : 2ème vague… ou pas ?

Je vois de plus en plus de gens se poser la question : court-on le risque d’une deuxième vague de Covid-19 après le relâchement du confinement ? (pour ceux qui pensent que la première vague est un vaste hoax, si vous n’avez pas peur d’être confrontés à des idées différentes des vôtres, vous pouvez lire … Continue reading “Covid-19 : 2ème vague… ou pas ?”


This research revolutionizes our understanding of Covid-19 Warning: this paper has generated an answer which claims that the authors used wrong methodology to get to their results – so this could be all wrong. Remember, we are in a research phase here. This paper totally changes the way we understand how Covid-19 works. By using only computer models, the authors made … Continue reading “This research revolutionizes our understanding of Covid-19”


Cette recherche révolutionne notre compréhension du Covid-19

Voici le lien vers l’article en question Attention : ce papier a fait l’objet d’une très sérieuse critique, qui semble montrer que la méthodologie des auteurs n’est pas sérieuse et que leurs résultats ne sont donc pas corrects. Ce papier révolutionne totalement notre compréhension du Covid-19. Tout ça en utilisant uniquement des modélisations sur ordinateur. … Continue reading “Cette recherche révolutionne notre compréhension du Covid-19”


Le Covid-19 va-t-il changer les statistiques de mortalité ? (France, 2000-2019)

Introduction Ces dernières semaines, suite à la pandémie de Covid-19 qui sévit partout sur la planète, on entend de plus en plus « mais, vous vous rendez-compte, le virus a fait tant de milliers de morts ». Le problème est qu’un nombre sans contexte ne signifie rien. Comme si je vous disais que, là où … Continue reading “Le Covid-19 va-t-il changer les statistiques de mortalité ? (France, 2000-2019)”


Chloroquine contre Covid-19 : explications

Pour en savoir plus sur le Covid-19, lire cet article. J’explique ici comment la chloroquine est censée fonctionner contre le virus SARS-CoV-2 (celui qui cause le Covid-19). Si vous préférez les vidéos et connaissez l’anglais, vous pouvez regarder cette vidéo : Avertissement Il ne s’agit ici que de THÉORIE. Nous avons toujours besoin aujourd’hui d’avoir … Continue reading “Chloroquine contre Covid-19 : explications”


How Chloroquine works against Covid-19

You should also read this article which explains everything about Covid-19. This article presents the theory of how Chloroquine works against SARS-CoV-2 (the virus responsible for Covid-19). If you are more “video-inclined”, you can watch this video that also explains it all: Warning This is only THEORY. We still need to make randomized double-blind clinical … Continue reading “How Chloroquine works against Covid-19”

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Résumé de connaissances sur le Covid-19

(Posté le 27/03/2020, mis à jour régulièrement jusqu’au 23/04/2020 This article in English) Historique des mises à jour : 25/04/2020 : ajout section masques faits maison 27/04/2020 : les chats et furets seraient susceptibles d’être porteurs 04/05/2020 : courbe italienne, coagulation du sang 09/05/2020 : groupes sanguins et risques 11/05/2020 : le ou la Covid-19 … Continue reading “Résumé de connaissances sur le Covid-19”


Covid-19 : un résumé rapide

J’ai écrit un article détaillé sur le Covid-19 (maladie causée par le virus SARS-CoV-2). Pour ceux qui ne veulent pas prendre le temps de lire un long article, voici un résumé (mais vous allez rater toutes les blagues…). Avertissement : je suis docteur en informatique, mais PAS docteur en médecine. De plus, un résumé ne … Continue reading “Covid-19 : un résumé rapide”


Covid-19: a short summary

If you don’t want to read the full article about Covid-19 (the illness caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2), here is a digest (but you’re missing all the jokes!). Disclaimer: I am NOT a medical doctor. I am only a computer doctor. A summary has less shades of grey than a full article so it may … Continue reading “Covid-19: a short summary”

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Covid-19: an extensive summary

(Cet article en français Originally posted 2020-03-23. Updated several times until 2020-04-23) History of changes: homemade face masks (2020-04-25) some pets can catch the virus (2020-04-27) Italian curve, blood clots (2020-05-04) Blood type risks (2020-05-09) ventilation, studying sewage (2020-05-12) French azithromycin study and results (2020-05-13) cats and dogs update and vitamin D protection (2020-05-14) updates … Continue reading “Covid-19: an extensive summary”


Incredible Healing Abilities

Our bodies have been evolving for millions of years to take care of themselves in environments that are hardly friendly. This might not be a surprise to you, yet I am always amazed at our bodies’ capabilities. The accident On January 10, one and a half week ago, while I was cleaning a 3D print … Continue reading “Incredible Healing Abilities”


Planned Obsolescence, 0 – 3D Printer, 2

This is a follow-up to my older post Planned Obsolescence, 0 – 3D Printer, 1. Have you ever had a problem with you vacuum cleaner where the electric cord just won’t stay out and will annoyingly get back inside the machine slowly? Like this: Well, that happened to me. You can of course open it … Continue reading “Planned Obsolescence, 0 – 3D Printer, 2”


A Board for Paper-Based Spaced Repetition Memorization

I’ve been using spaced repetition for quite some time now. My favorite program is Anki, even if I have also tried a few others. I had actually developed one myself before I even knew the SuperMemo algorithm existed back in the late 1990’s, that was more than 10 years before the first Anki release. Interestingly, … Continue reading “A Board for Paper-Based Spaced Repetition Memorization”


Broken Stuff 0 – 3D Printing 1

Recently, I got a package with broken stuff in it. It was actually some shelves with doors, and the broken part was that plastic part that contains magnets which hold the doors closed. Here is a picture of what I received:What generally happens in this kind of circumstance is that people will complain and return … Continue reading “Broken Stuff 0 – 3D Printing 1”


Planned Obsolescence, 0 – 3D Printer, 1

It is not the first time that I fix something with 3D printing. But this one was an interesting one! The problem A few years ago, I bought two stands for my microphones. Okay, they were inexpensive, and maybe it was a bad long-term choice. Maybe I should have opted for more expensive ones. But … Continue reading “Planned Obsolescence, 0 – 3D Printer, 1”


Une page web pour le système majeur de mémorisation des nombres

Cher lecteur, si tu connais déjà tout sur le système majeur, tu peux sauter directement à la solution. Pour les autres, vous apprendrez quelque chose en lisant l’article en entier ! Et pour les plus impatients, la page web est là : Pour la plupart des gens, mémoriser des grands nombres est un défi … Continue reading “Une page web pour le système majeur de mémorisation des nombres”


The Relative Theory of Money – English Translation of the Leibnitz Module

This is the translation of the Leibnitz Module of the RTM, which follows the Bresson Module. Leibnitz Module (a) Thoughts on the Relativity of Prices (N) Let’s assume that for a short time compared to life expectancy (a few years), the prices of some known values are relatively stable in the M/N frame of reference. … Continue reading “The Relative Theory of Money – English Translation of the Leibnitz Module”

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My Yolland Bresson Module – Part 2

Welcome to the second part of my version of the Yolland Bresson Module, started in Part 1. (d) Exchanging values during 50 years in a Libre currency In this part, we’ll see what happens when individuals do some exchanges, since it is actually what money is here for! So we’ll have generations of 10 people … Continue reading “My Yolland Bresson Module – Part 2”

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My Yolland Bresson Module – Part 1

Here is my version of the Yolland Bresson Module which follows the Galileo Module. As the data has already been gathered in the last part of the Galileo Module, we can switch directly to part (b) and create the charts. Note that I based most of my data on the spreadsheet by Inso. I’ve added … Continue reading “My Yolland Bresson Module – Part 1”

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The Relative Theory of Money – Yoland Bresson Module Translated to English

Following the Galileo Module, the Yoland Bresson Module is the second module proposed to go deeper in the RTM. Here is a translation of the module in English. The Yoland Bresson Module (a) Get some data in a spreadsheet The data has already been gathered during the last part of the Galileo Module: price of … Continue reading “The Relative Theory of Money – Yoland Bresson Module Translated to English”


My Galileo Module – Part 5

Here comes the last part of the Galileo Module: the relativity of values. The aim of this module is to understand that no value is absolute, and that all values are relative to one another. (e) Establish long term relative variations of different values Metals First I will study the price of gold, which we … Continue reading “My Galileo Module – Part 5”


My Galileo Module – Part 4

In part 3, we have simulated unbalanced exchanges between three individuals in a Libre currency. Now it is time to look what happens when new generations replace old ones. You can download the file for this part here. (c) Changing frames of reference in time: replacement of generations As humans do not live forever and … Continue reading “My Galileo Module – Part 4”

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My Galileo Module – Part 3

In Part 1, we have studied how accounts of 3 individuals evolve in time, without considering any exchanges at all. But a currency without exchanges is a dead one. You can download the spreadsheet for this part here. Note on exchanges Note that “not considering exchanges” doesn’t necessarily mean that the individuals don’t exchange at … Continue reading “My Galileo Module – Part 3”


My Galileo Module – Part 2

Welcome to the second part of my Galileo Module started there. Please note that this post is a little technical. If you are not technically inclined, you could easily skip it. Technical considerations on the precision of numbers You can download the spreadsheet for this part here. The world continuum The world appears to be … Continue reading “My Galileo Module – Part 2”

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My Galileo Module – Part 1

There is a lot of material available in French on the original Galileo Module, which I already translated into English. But because I believe it is important to spread the information to other places than French-speaking communities, I am releasing my own version of the Galileo Module in English. This version will also explain to … Continue reading “My Galileo Module – Part 1”


The Relative Theory of Money – Translation of the Galileo Module

“The Relative Theory of Money” is a book published in 2010 by a French engineer, Stéphane Laborde, who presents some very interesting thoughts and facts about money. He shows that, if we’re not careful enough, money creation can be the source of great inequalities. His book is a very good read for anyone, not only … Continue reading “The Relative Theory of Money – Translation of the Galileo Module”


Ce problème simple qui défie les musiciens depuis des millénaires

Note : English version of this article here. Avertissement : cet article traite de théorie de la musique, expliquée simplement aux musiciens ainsi qu’aux non musiciens, avec des mathématiques élémentaires (en utilisant des fractions simples). Le sujet est en fait assez méconnu, même des musiciens. À moins que vous ne sachiez ce que sont Werckmeister … Continue reading “Ce problème simple qui défie les musiciens depuis des millénaires”

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The Simple Tuning Problem that has Defied Musicians for Millennia

Note : Cet article en français Foreword: this article is about music theory, explained to non-musicians and musicians alike, with very simple math (all you need is basic fractions). Unless you know Werckmeister and Valotti, you will definitely learn something cool from this article. 🙂 Musicians have always had to tune their instruments to avoid … Continue reading “The Simple Tuning Problem that has Defied Musicians for Millennia”


Deuxième vidéo sur la blockchain

Deuxième vidéo d’une série sur la blockchain. Si vous avez entendu parler de cette technologie mais que vous vous posez des tas de questions, cette série est faite pour vous ! Après avoir donné un rapide historique et les divers usages de cette technologie dans la première vidéo, on s’attaque cette fois à ce que … Continue reading “Deuxième vidéo sur la blockchain”


Mounting Synology drives on Linux

I’ve just unmounted my drives from my Synology box, replaced by a home-brewed server. I’ll write some other article about the reasons that made me switch. Just in case you wonder, the Synology box is running fine. That’s not the point. I took the disks from the Synology box and plugged them into a host … Continue reading “Mounting Synology drives on Linux”


Première vidéo d’une série sur la blockchain

Première vidéo d’une série sur la blockchain. Si vous avez entendu parler de cette technologie mais que vous vous posez des tas de questions, cette série est faite pour vous ! Visible aussi sur youtube :

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A Strange Rubik’s Cube Story

Two years ago, my wife offered me a very nice gift: While that was a great gift and the kind of challenge that I would take on, I felt embarrassed as I even had no idea how to solve this: Right. And at the same time, I remembered how, as a child, I had swapped … Continue reading “A Strange Rubik’s Cube Story”


Mind Maps: a Miracle Tool for Writers

This may be a long post, but I hope to keep it entertaining for both writers and non writers. Let me know what you think! Some history – where I come from I’ve always loved to write. As a child, I already started writing similar stories than the ones I was reading: children stories. At … Continue reading “Mind Maps: a Miracle Tool for Writers”


Moon Tests with a CCD Camera

Following up with the pictures of the moon taken with a Nikon camera on a 114mm Newtonian telescope, I have recently bought a quite cheap CCD camera. There are a few advantages and a few drawbacks. Here are the qualities of the CCD: very easy to mount directly on the telescope directly exposed to the … Continue reading “Moon Tests with a CCD Camera”


Learning words in foreign languages

Recently I was asked how many times you should hear a word in a foreign language before it really sticks into your mind. Sometimes, hearing/reading one word one single time in the right context will imprint it into your mind forever. And sometimes, you will repeat one word 100 times and it will not stick. … Continue reading “Learning words in foreign languages”


The Moon

The Moon is back with its normal non-eclipsoid figure. 😀 Here is a picture taken with a Nikon D5100 mounted with a simple Barlow on a Celestron 115/910. I’ve had both the telescope and the camera for a long time now, but never took the next step of taking pictures. Thanks to the recently acquired … Continue reading “The Moon”


Moon Eclipse + Mars / 2018-07-27

The sky was kind enough to let us see the moon eclipse yesterday for a short time, as it was quite cloudy. A very nice experience. Of course, without forgetting its friend Mars (take your time, it’s an animation) : The clouds also allowed for some creepy shots, you’d wonder if Freddy Krueger was around. … Continue reading “Moon Eclipse + Mars / 2018-07-27”


Backups / Part 1

You have precious data In this digital era, we all have data that we care about. You certainly wouldn’t want to lose most of your earliest baby pictures. 😀 That data is very diverse, both in its nature and in its dynamism. You have static backups such as your baby pictures, but also very dynamic … Continue reading “Backups / Part 1”


3D printing – part 1

I have been curious about 3D printing for a few years now but never found the time and courage to finally take the first step and buy a printer. The fact is that the prices were quite discouraging for a simple hobby, at least that’s how I saw it. I did have some real interest … Continue reading “3D printing – part 1”


GANN-EWN / Part 5 / Applying the Neural Network trained by the Genetic Algorithm to the game EWN

If you haven’t read the previous parts, you should start at part 1. Now that we have a Neural Network architecture and a Genetic Algorithm, we can apply them to the game “Einstein Würfelt Nicht”. The Parameters of the Problem There are several parameters that need to be addressed first: how to feed information to … Continue reading “GANN-EWN / Part 5 / Applying the Neural Network trained by the Genetic Algorithm to the game EWN”


GANN-EWN / Part 4 / Developing a Genetic Algorithm from scratch

Welcome to this fourth part of building Neural Networks evolved by Genetic Algorithms. If you haven’t done so yet, I would advise to read the first, second and third parts before reading this article. Basics about Genetic Algorithms So, what exactly is a Genetic Algorithm? The name applied to Computer Science sounds both scary and … Continue reading “GANN-EWN / Part 4 / Developing a Genetic Algorithm from scratch”


Installing a working Python environment and Silkaj on a Raspberry Pi 3 with Raspbian Jessie

Raspberries are awesome. But setting up things can sometimes be a little messy. I wanted to install a working version of Silkaj (see the Duniter project, if you don’t know them yet, check them out, they rock!) and here is a full tutorial to get you going. Requirements: a Raspberry Pi (mine is a version … Continue reading “Installing a working Python environment and Silkaj on a Raspberry Pi 3 with Raspbian Jessie”


GANN-EWN / Part 3 / building a Neural Network from scratch

Welcome to the third part of the GANN-EWN (Genetic Algorithms for Neural Networks applied to the game “Einstein Würfelt Nicht”) series! If you haven’t read it yet, it’s probably time to read the first part and/or the second part. In this part, we’ll start building a Neural Network from scratch. I assume that you’re familiar … Continue reading “GANN-EWN / Part 3 / building a Neural Network from scratch”

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GANN-EWN / Part 2 / Building a Hand-Crafted Player For EWN

Welcome to this second part of the GANN-EWN (Genetic Algorithms for Neural Networks applied to the game “Einstein Würfelt Nicht”) series! If you haven’t read it yet, it’s probably time to read the first part. The game is quite simple: at the beginning of the game every player has 6 pieces labeled from 1 to … Continue reading “GANN-EWN / Part 2 / Building a Hand-Crafted Player For EWN”


GANN-EWN / Part 1 / GANNs (Genetic Algorithms applied to Neural Networks)

Combining Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks is an idea that has been troubling my mind for the last 20 years. Unfortunately, life went in the way and I didn’t have a real chance of putting this idea into practice. Neural networks are very often used to do some “classifying” jobs, and they are very good … Continue reading “GANN-EWN / Part 1 / GANNs (Genetic Algorithms applied to Neural Networks)”


Introduction to this blog and who I am

Welcome to my blog! To understand where this blog will be going, you have to get to know me first. Let me introduce myself briefly. I’m a poly-faceted and multi-interest person. Here is a short list of my top interests: Science in general. I have a variety of interests in Science and Technology, including Astronomy, … Continue reading “Introduction to this blog and who I am”