The Moon

The Moon is back with its normal non-eclipsoid figure. 😀

Here is a picture taken with a Nikon D5100 mounted with a simple Barlow on a Celestron 115/910. I’ve had both the telescope and the camera for a long time now, but never took the next step of taking pictures. Thanks to the recently acquired barlow, this is a dream come true.

This is taken from a balcony in the middle of a big city, not exactly your ideal conditions for taking pictures of the sky especially during a hot summer with lots of temperature differences, but the results are still quite good and I have not applied any software fix on them. Exposure: 1/200 s, sensitivity 1000 ISO. Enjoy!

Note the difference in chromatic aberrations depending on the location of the details mostly due to the barlow lens, the following animation shows the same details taken in the center of the picture compared to the edge (1/100 s, 400 ISO):

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