Following the Galileo Module, the Yoland Bresson Module is the second module proposed to go deeper in the RTM. Here is a translation of the module in English.
The Yoland Bresson Module
(a) Get some data in a spreadsheet
The data has already been gathered during the last part of the Galileo Module:
- price of silver in $ (1975 – 2016)
- price of gold in $ (1975 – 2016)
- euro / $ exchange rate (1990 – 2016)
- money mass in euros from or the original source (2000 – 2016)
- JSA/Welfare for France (1988 – 2016)
- real estate prices in Paris (1991 – 2016)
(b) Create charts
Long term graphs of: Gold/$, Silver/$, Silver/Gold, Gold/€, Silver/€, Gold/M3€ , Silver/M3€, Gold/JSI-Welfare, Silver/JSI-Welfare.
Create the reverse graphs ($/Gold, $/Silver, etc.).
(c) Charts on Real Estate
Real Estate prices in Paris vs €, Gold, Silver, JSA/Welfare, M3€.
Same charts with real estate prices in another location, preferably a low density populated area.
Animate the results on a map with time. Change the reference frame (rather than €, use Gold, Silver, or any other reference frame).
Compare and discuss the results.
(d) Exchanging values during 50 years in a Libre currency
- Create spreadsheets in absolute and relative frames for 30 individuals I1-I30 during 160 years.
- Simulate large exchanges at t1=5 years, t2=15 years and t3=30 years,
- Discuss numerical values as well as graphically, using double-entry accounting (think about Ğ(x) – eg. values that are not monetized because they are not recognized as values),
- Summarize your thoughts about how humans, values and money, flow with time.
(e) General interpretation on Relativity
The next module is the Leibnitz Module.
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